SAGE-CRISP system description

SAGE-CRISP2D pre and post processors represent the Windows graphical user interfaces. The pre and post processors are coded in a several development tools (VB, C and C++). The main analysis engine, however, is coded in standard Fortran 90. The diagram below illustrates how the various modules of CRISP interact with the SAGE-CRISP2D Windows interface

CRISP system description

These notes describe the flow of data between the three CRISP modules; CRISPSQ, CRISPGP and CRISPMP. These three programs are compiled in single precession. Double precession versions for these modules may also be used. These are called CRISPDSQ, CRISPDGP and CRISPDMP

The Frontwidth minimiser (Squasher) CRISPSQ:

The Squasher renumbers the elements in an efficient way for the frontal solution method. Its output (the .gpd file) is used as input to the Gemotery program. The .gpd file produced by the squasher contains the element topology using corner nodes only, nodal coordinates and elements types.

This Fortran module was originally provided by Scott Sloan. For a fuller understanding of how this Frontwidth minimiser works, refere to the following references:

SLOAN S. W. (1989). A FORTRAN program for profile and wavefront reduction, Int. J. for Num. Methods in Eng, 28, 2651-2679.

SLOAN S. W. and NG W. S. (1989). A direct comparison of three algorithms for reducing profile and wavefront, Computers and Structures, 33, 411-419.

The Geometry program CRISPGP:

CRISPGP uses the .gpd file obtained from CRISPSQ to generate the new elements taking into account the element type. It will produce all the nodes including the mid-side and internal nodes if any. The output is stored in two files: the link file (.lik) which becomes the geometry input data file for the main program CRISPMP, and the geometry output file (.gpo). Both of these files contain similar information except that the link file is written in binary format to minimise storage space. The .gpo file is for information only and may be erased by the user.

It is important to notice that when using the single precession version of the geometry program, the binary data in the link file(.lik) cannot be used with the double precesion version of the main program. It will be necessary to re-generate your mesh using the double precession geometry program CRISPDGP.

The main program CRISPMP:

This is the main analysis program. It reads its data from the mesh geometry link file (.lik) and the analysis data file (.mpd) which contains material properties, initial stresses, boundary conditions and loading details. The analysis output will be in the .mpo file. This contains selective output as requested by the user. The SAGE-CRISP post processor, however, requires all the results for all the increments. These are written in ASCII format by CRISPMP to file .pps

In a new restart analysis, binary files .nrs (New stop-ReStart file) is used to write results from the current run. In a subsequent restarted analysis, the file .nrs is renamed as .ors (Oew stop-ReStart file)and becomes the input file to read results from previous analysis. A new .nrs file is used for a future restart analysis. The double precesion equivalent of the .nrs and .ors files are named .nrd and .ord respectively

A conversion program (NRD2NRS) is available which converts the content of the binery file .nrd to single precession. This may be useful for a subsequent analysis in single precession